When writing maintainable code, indentation plays an important role. This may be one reason Python requires proper indentation as the programming syntax. A traditional tab indents 8 spaces, and we all know 8 spaces are just too much for coding indentation. We all opt to use 4 spaces for programming indentation, but how do you accomplish this? We can configure a TAB to indent only 4 whitespaces, or use 4 physical spaces? There are tradeoffs, and it's a matter of personal taste. I used to prefer TABS over SPACES, but if you're working in a team the lines may not line up correctly if developers mix and match TABS and SPACES. So, to make the indentation consistent, a coding guideline must be placed among multiple developers.

Previsor PHP assessment test

With more and more companies using pre-employment screening tests such as the one provided by Previsor, LAMP developers and PHP developers should hone their technical skills to prepare for their next career. Having taken one, the Previsor assessment test resembles College Board Tests such as the ACT and SAT, which tests students' general understanding of the subject (in this case "PHP"). PHP, especially version 5, is a great scripting language for developing web applications very rapidly with minimum effort. Since PHP is not really a university-level programming language, most of us familiar with the language picked up its grammar, syntax, and OOP'ness on our own whether experimental or work-related. Having to take the assessment test allows PHP developers to review the language semantics and grammar in a more academic fashion. However, judging a programmer's ability solely based on the assessment test score is "probably" not appropriate as most software engineers work with more than one programming language, and the time spent on one language may not correctly represent one's software engineering ability.