I have been searching for a Syntax Highlighter plug-in for WordPress and Drupal and decided to install the one available from Alex Gorbatchev. The module makes use of the Syntax Highlighter Javascript Library, and does the job I wanted. In order for the Syntax Highlighter plug-in to work, you'll have to install both the Javascript library and the module developed for Drupal or WordPress. Once the module is installed, the syntax for using it is pretty much the same.

Getting Started with GIT and GITHUB

I have been involved in software development for over 20 years, and have used various version control software including SCCS, CVS, Perforce, Clearcase, Visual Sourcesafe, and SVN. Over time, the SCM trend has changed from file locking mechanism to distributed version control and GIT is gaining popularity with growing users. As a software engineer, SCM is a critical part of your daily chores but you don't want to spend much time maintaining it.

Have you tried to customize the Google CSE search box to fit your website theme, and having difficulty implementing it? You're not alone. I've browsed Google CSE documentation for some time, but this information is buried under the hood, and took me a while to figure this out. This is a 2-page Search & Results page design. You'll style the form element however you wish to design.

Each CSS selector has a specificity value and the more specific the selector is the higher precedence it has. If multiple selectors apply to a single element, the highest specificity CSS rule applies to the element. Have you had an experience where you define a CSS rule for an element, and it doesn't work? You probably have a CSS rule that has a higher specificity value which causes your newly created CSS rule to not apply.

JavaScript enables you to create anonymous functions to be executed immediately or when the document is ready, and also allows you to freely pass functions around to be executed at a later time. The default short-hand notation for jQuery wrapper is $, and unless your webpage has a conflict with other javascript libraries you may freely use $ to wrap any jQuery scripts. Since there are many variations of anonymous function calls, they are worth mentioning here.

Android ROM explained

There has been a lot of talk about Android ROM and how to flash it with a custom ROM to bring new features to your smartphone. People are also talking about rooting an Android OS and installing aftermarket firmware on it. In the world of Android, the word ROM which stands for Read-Only Memory is being misused. A better term would be "firmware" where the binary image of Android OS is installed. Let's start out by defining a few terms used in the Android world.