Google Analytics uses cookies to keep track of visitors' web statistics. When you install Google Analytics javascript tracking code on your website, cookies are written to your visitors' computers to keep track of their activities on your website. Cookies store visitor's first visit, page views, how long they stayed on your site, entry point, and exit point among others. Cookies set by Google Analytics include __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmx, and __utmz; and samples of those cookies are as follows:

Have you tried to customize the Google CSE search box to fit your website theme, and having difficulty implementing it? You're not alone. I've browsed Google CSE documentation for some time, but this information is buried under the hood, and took me a while to figure this out. This is a 2-page Search & Results page design. You'll style the form element however you wish to design.