Add Opportunity Contact Roles on Opportunity Update

We're sending an email campaign through Pardot excluding customers who placed an order with us or prospects whom we provided Customer Quotation (SCM Module by Financial Force) within the past 30 days. To exclude this list, we must sync Salesforce Opportunity to Pardot Opportunity. Pardot opportunity is tied to a prospect where Salesforce Opportunity is not directly tied to contacts but through Accounts and OpportunityContactRoles. In order to sync Salesforce Opportunity with Pardot Opportunity, OpportunityContactRoles must be created in Salesforce Opportunity. When a Salesforce lead is converted (creating an account, contact, and opportunity), OpportunityContactRoles are automatically created. Similarly, when a new Salesforce Opportunity is created OpportunityContactRoles are automatically created (via traversing Opportunity -> Account -> Contact). However, when a new contact is added to an Account within Salesforce; the new OpportunityContactRole is not automatically created. To exclude those newly added contacts to be excluded, we must run the one-time script via Developer Console to add OpportunityContactRole.

SMTP Email Address Validation

How do you validate an email address? You may validate it with a javascript on the client-side, or run a server-side validation via a regular expression or a newly available filter_var function of the PHP 5.2.x. Perhaps, you may want to go one step further and verify the email address from the remote SMTP server.

Salesforce: How do you change user's password with developer console?

As Salesforce dominates the CRM market space, it has grown to support many industries and unique business requirements. Becoming an ecosystem that is so big to encompass every industry and companies of all sizes, the administration of Salesforce became very complex. The following list of Salesforce administrative guides will help admins perform their daily duties and be used as a reference for their administrative tasks.

Javascript Overview

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language designed to be embedded in HTML pages for added interactivity and to offer intelligence to web pages. JavaScript provides a set of objects (Array, Date, and Math), and language elements (Operators, Conditional Controls, and Statements). Javascript is primarily used on the client side to control the browser elements and HTML Document Object Model (DOM) to offer interactivity to users.

Double and Triple equal operators in PHP

Even if you're a seasoned programmer, you may not have seen triple equals operator in most programming languages. In PHP, the triple equals (===) operator was introduced in version 4 and it checks for equality similar to the double equals (==) operator but also checks the type of variable. Here are the differences between single, double, and triple equals operators.

How to increase Google Adsense eCPM?

Google Adsense is one of the most popular Ad Networks you can use to publish advertisements on your website and start earning income immediately. Depending on impressions (CPM) and click-through rates (CTR), your Adsense revenue may vary from a few dollars to a few hundred per day for high-traffic websites. Optimizing your Adsense placement could potentially double, or even triple your Ad income if correctly implemented.