How to setup login_info on Netsuite web service?

Netsuite brands its web service integration services as SuiteTalk, and SuiteTalk allows third-party systems to communicate with NetSuite via SOAP-based APIs. To get started with Netsuite Webservice, you'll need a Netsuite account that you can use to communicate with Netsuite. You may sign up with the SuiteCloud Developer Network (SDN) as a Community member, and get a free Netsuite account for exploitation. It may take a day or two to get your account approved.

Salesforce Apex FAQ

Salesforce Apex resembles Java programming language, but it uses objects to represent primitives and also offers pre-built methods for commonly performed tasks. Here is a list of commonly used primitive object methods, and functions that can be used with Apex programming language.

How to create a UPS Developer Access Key?

I have been tasked to integrate UPS Online Tools with NetSuite ERP using PHP programming language. The job requires retrieving Quantum View reports from UPS on a daily basis, and updating NetSuite Sales Orders with retrieved tracking information. By browsing UPS Developer Kit, I am going to be using at least Quantum View API, and Tracking API to do the trick.

Netsuite Suitelet Examples & Tutorials

NetSuite Suitelets play a vital part in integrating 3rd party web applications with the NetSuite. Writing a suitelet is as easy as writing a simple javascript except that it runs on the server side. Here are a couple of examples of how to write a suitelet. The first example creates a customer of a type LEAD-Unqualified from a POSTed web submission.

Netsuite Custom Record to store external form data

Netsuite allows you to create a Custom Record to store a table of data collected from an external form. For example, you may create an email opt-in form on your external website, and submit the form to Netsuite. The submitted data will be processed by a Suitelet, and stored as a Custom Record in Netsuite. The form must be able to process concurrent users, and hence Suitelet is favored over SuiteTalk (Web Service). NetSuite web service has a concurrency problem, so SuiteTalk should not be used in this type of scenario.

PHP Performance Tuning with Xdebug and KCacheGrind

One of our WordPress websites was running very slow, so I have been asked to diagnose the application. The website was running in upwards of 6 seconds to load the homepage, and 8+ seconds to load woocommerce product pages. There are several debugging and profiling tools available in the PHP realm, and Xdebug is an excellent choice. New Relic (free and premium versions) is another choice for profiling and debugging PHP applications.

Ksh/Bash Change Directory commands

When you're working in the command-line interface, you may be going deep inside the directories, and moving back and forth between those directories can be a nuisance. There are built-in directory commands in ksh/bash that you can use to ease your change directory (cd) pain.

How to edit Windows hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts)?

Windows users have trouble saving plain TXT files without extensions on a Windows machine. For example, if you have to edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts file and save it as a plain text file, Windows will automatically add a .txt file extension to the file and save it as hosts.txt. Also, Windows does not allow you to edit the file directly in the system folder such as the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc.

[SOLVED] Outlook stripping newline character - Sendgrid

We've recently modified our e-commerce web application and replaced the native PHP mail functionality with a Phpmailer and SMTP. It was a pretty straightforward change, and we kept the mail format to "Plain/Text" format and changed the mail host to "". After the change, we've noticed that the newline "\n" wasn't interpreted correctly and the mail we received was all garbled up. After some investigation, we found 2 things that needed to be changed to correct the problem.