Basic Tenets of Credit Scoring

Maintaining a high credit score is one of the most important aspects of managing your personal finances. With a good credit score, you'll qualify for loans with lower rates. Credit scores range from 300 to 850 with a national average score of about 692 (for FICO Score), and 723 as the median. A credit score of 720 is considered a good credit score. A credit score is not only used in qualifying loans but it is also used to make hiring decisions and set insurance premiums.

How to root your Android OS?

Android is an operating system for mobile phones and tablets, much like Microsoft Windows for PCs, MacOS for Mac Books, and Linux for servers. Android was first developed in 2003 by Android Inc. and later acquired by Google. The goal of Android was to create "smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner's location and preferences". What makes Android stand apart from other mobile operating systems is that it's open source, and based on field proven Linux operating system. Linux, a child of Unix which has been around since 1969 far before Windows OS, is a de facto operating system run by millions of servers providing web, mail, and database services to the Internet. It's an open source, meaning that anyone can modify and contribute to the project, which makes it use of open standard, open architecture and best of all makes it available for free for everyone.

How to search custom fields in Netsuite with PHP

Netsuite allows an administrator to add custom fields and custom records via GUI. Custom fields are business-specific attributes defined by the company to tailor Netsuite. When a custom field is created in Netsuite, the administrator will assign an ID of the custom field and this ID becomes the internal ID of the custom field. To show internal ID on Netsuite GUI, it must be turned on by going to Home -> Set Preferences -> General -> Defaults, and checking the "Show Internal IDs" checkbox.

How to mitigate from Apache Killer?

Apache is the most popular web server being used today. Apache Killer exploit which was released in August 2011, exploits a vulnerability in the Apache software by sending a crafted "Range" HTTP header. Apache Killer attack abuses the HTTP protocol by requesting URL content to be returned in a huge number of small chunks, which leads to hundreds of large memory fetches causing a server to run out of memory and crash. This vulnerability identified as CVE-2011-3192 was fixed in httpd-2.2.21.

Getting started with Doctrine 2 in ZF2

Using Doctrine as an ORM to persist your data significantly lowers your overhead in managing your database. However, if you're just getting started with Doctrine, you'll have to invest in moderate time to overcome the learning curve. Here are some of not so obvious tricks you'll have to learn as a beginner to utilize Doctrine.

CSS Specificity - Which CSS Rule to apply?

Each CSS selector has a specificity value and the more specific the selector is the higher precedence it has. If multiple selectors apply to a single element, the highest specificity CSS rule applies to the element. Have you had an experience where you define a CSS rule for an element, and it doesn't work? You probably have a CSS rule that has a higher specificity value which causes your newly created CSS rule to not apply.

Getting started with composer (composer.phar)

I am kicking off a new PHP project with the Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) and chose to use Doctrine as the persistence layer with ORM capabilities. Knowing that I need two Zend modules for Doctrine support, I've cloned the two modules (DoctrineModule and DoctrineORMModule) from GitHub to enable doctrine support in my ZF2 project. Oops, just installing those two Zend modules from GitHub do not make doctrine work! What am I doing wrong? Do I need a core Doctrine library from installed in addition to those two modules in order to make this work in ZF2? After a careful review of documentation, the preferred installation method was using "composer" not "git clone".

SuiteCloud Developer Tools

I've had a chance to listen in on a condensed version of the webinar that discusses developer tools for the SuiteCloud platform. I have personally worked in the Netsuite platform for about a year and have worked with SuiteTalk and SuiteScript development tools to integrate a standalone e-commerce application into Netsuite. Although I do have administrative privileges, I have not thoroughly explored the available development tools that are offered by Netsuite.