[SOLVED] How to delete large number of files in clientmqueue?

We have a VPS server running Magento flawlessly for nearly a year. The filesystem has been completely filled with mails queued in clientmqueue, and MySQL can't add more data causing the website to halt. Sendmail was running fine, but we've had a difficult time deleting files residing in /var/spool/clientmqueue folder. The following commands failed:

SuiteCloud Developer Tools

I've had a chance to listen in on a condensed version of the webinar that discusses developer tools for the SuiteCloud platform. I have personally worked in the Netsuite platform for about a year and have worked with SuiteTalk and SuiteScript development tools to integrate a standalone e-commerce application into Netsuite. Although I do have administrative privileges, I have not thoroughly explored the available development tools that are offered by Netsuite.

jQuery anonymous and callback function declarations

JavaScript enables you to create anonymous functions to be executed immediately or when the document is ready, and also allows you to freely pass functions around to be executed at a later time. The default short-hand notation for jQuery wrapper is $, and unless your webpage has a conflict with other javascript libraries you may freely use $ to wrap any jQuery scripts. Since there are many variations of anonymous function calls, they are worth mentioning here.

How to change MySQL user and root password?

We have been using the DirectAdmin control panel for a number of years, and each time we set up a server it is necessary to change the root password. By default, Direct Admin creates a MySql superuser called "da_admin" with a preassigned password, but we do not know what the root password is. Since we use both DirectAdmin and command-line to manage our server, it is essential that we have a proper MySQL root password assigned.

Getting started with composer (composer.phar)

I am kicking off a new PHP project with the Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) and chose to use Doctrine as the persistence layer with ORM capabilities. Knowing that I need two Zend modules for Doctrine support, I've cloned the two modules (DoctrineModule and DoctrineORMModule) from GitHub to enable doctrine support in my ZF2 project. Oops, just installing those two Zend modules from GitHub do not make doctrine work! What am I doing wrong? Do I need a core Doctrine library from doctrine-project.org installed in addition to those two modules in order to make this work in ZF2? After a careful review of documentation, the preferred installation method was using "composer" not "git clone".

How to install Zend Framework 2 skeleton application?

For anyone getting started with Zend Framework 2 (or ZF2), the best way to get up and running quickly is by installing the Zend Skeleton Application available on GitHub. Here is the quick and easy way to get the skeleton application installed on a Linux machine. You'll install the skeleton application first, and then we'll install ZF2.