How to install Zend Framework 2 skeleton application?

For anyone getting started with Zend Framework 2 (or ZF2), the best way to get up and running quickly is by installing the Zend Skeleton Application available on GitHub. Here is the quick and easy way to get the skeleton application installed on a Linux machine. You'll install the skeleton application first, and then we'll install ZF2.

Trap spambots from submitting forms with honeypot and PHP

One of the duties of a webmaster is to prevent spam bots from submitting web forms. If spammers are not blocked, the data collected from the visitors will contaminated with spam and it's a real nuisance to clean out this data every so often. I have been researching ways to block spam on the web forms we have on our website and found a solution that works reasonably well.

How to retrieve Client IP address in PHP?

There are a number of array name/value pairs provided in the PHP's "predefined" $_SERVER variable, which you can use to extract client's IP address. Some of the IP-related $_SERVER parameters retrieved from the web server are passed by the client in the form of HTTP header, so they can be easily spoofed. Also, some of the HTTP_X_FORWARD* parameters expected to be filled by proxy servers may not always be there as not all proxy servers follow best practices.

How to edit Windows hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts)?

Windows users have trouble saving plain TXT files without extensions on a Windows machine. For example, if you have to edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts file and save it as a plain text file, Windows will automatically add a .txt file extension to the file and save it as hosts.txt. Also, Windows does not allow you to edit the file directly in the system folder such as the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc.

[SOLVED] Outlook stripping newline character - Sendgrid

We've recently modified our e-commerce web application and replaced the native PHP mail functionality with a Phpmailer and SMTP. It was a pretty straightforward change, and we kept the mail format to "Plain/Text" format and changed the mail host to "". After the change, we've noticed that the newline "\n" wasn't interpreted correctly and the mail we received was all garbled up. After some investigation, we found 2 things that needed to be changed to correct the problem.

How to publish a successful ebook?

I have been writing technical articles since 2004, but never really thought about monetizing my work until late last year. I own more than a dozen websites, and it really becomes hard to maintain all of them. In the 4th Quarter of 2010, I started selling advertisements on Web Hosting Resources, and IP Location websites and started generating a passive income from them monthly. Due to the time it takes to find quality advertisers, and running and maintaining an Ad server is somewhat troublesome I have decided to convert all of my Ads to Google Adsense. I have been running Google Adsense for nearly 8 months, and I am pretty happy with its performance as compared to other advertisement networks such as Adbrite and 3rd party networks.

How to increase Google Adsense eCPM?

Google Adsense is one of the most popular Ad Networks you can use to publish advertisements on your website and start earning income immediately. Depending on impressions (CPM) and click-through rates (CTR), your Adsense revenue may vary from a few dollars to a few hundred per day for high-traffic websites. Optimizing your Adsense placement could potentially double, or even triple your Ad income if correctly implemented.

How to build a traffic-bearing website?

Building a traffic-bearing website is a journey that demands time, dedication, and strategic planning. While various methods exist, each website is unique in its requirements. Personally, I find Wordpress to be an excellent choice for website building, thanks to its user-friendly nature. Although other content management systems like Drupal and Joomla offer robust features, Wordpress's versatility and extensive plugin library make it a preferred platform.