How to retrieve Client IP address in PHP?

There are a number of array name/value pairs provided in the PHP's "predefined" $_SERVER variable, which you can use to extract client's IP address. Some of the IP-related $_SERVER parameters retrieved from the web server are passed by the client in the form of HTTP header, so they can be easily spoofed. Also, some of the HTTP_X_FORWARD* parameters expected to be filled by proxy servers may not always be there as not all proxy servers follow best practices.

Zend Framework 1 Overview

Developing a PHP application requires domain knowledge, software engineering, discipline, and time. We rarely write applications from scratch as there are freely available application frameworks that we can take advantage of. For the PHP programming language, there are more than a dozen "popular" frameworks to choose from, and picking the right framework for your application is not a mundane task. I have been working as an IT consultant for many years, and Zend Framework is the one being discussed frequently. As a new PHP developer coming on board with a Zend Framework, I would like to use this forum to describe the learning process.

How do you setup dual NIC, multi-homed host?

A multi-homed host is known as a computer that has multiple network connections, of which the connections may or may not be the same network. Web hosts and application service providers set up a multihomed router (or system) to connect to two or more upstream Internet Service Providers and set up network redundancy. The term, multihomed, is used to denote that a system is connected to multiple networks.

How to make backups with Linux and Rsync?

As a web host, we needed an automated mechanism for generating snapshots of server filesystems on the Linux-based systems. There are a number of ways to achieve backups on Linux systems including Remote backup using Linux tar/ssh/cron and incremental tar backups on a local file system. One of the drawbacks of using tar to perform an entire filesystem backup is that some systems do not have the ability to create a compressed tarball greater than 2GB in size.

Salesforce REST API example

Salesforce REST API call into platform requires OAuth 2.0 authentication. OAuth is an industry-standard authentication mechanism using "tokens" instead of typical "username" and "password" credentials. OAuth access tokens provide permission to make Salesforce API calls and do not grant permission to log in to Salesforce Web UI.

Salesforce: Retrieve related list with SOQL and Apex

You are working with a Salesforce custom object, and you need to iterate through the related list. How do you retrieve the listed list with SOQL, and iterate through them with Apex? For illustration purposes, I'm going to use the Financial Force object, SCMC__Sales_Order__c. The SCMC__Sales_Order__c has a child relationship, SCMC__Purchase_Orders__r, as shown in the ( IDE) screenshot below.

How do you customize Google Custom Search Engine (CSE)?

Have you tried to customize the Google CSE search box to fit your website theme, and having difficulty implementing it? You're not alone. I've browsed Google CSE documentation for some time, but this information is buried under the hood, and took me a while to figure this out. This is a 2-page Search & Results page design. You'll style the form element however you wish to design.