Netsuite Suitelet Examples & Tutorials

Netsuite Suitelet Examples and Tutorials

NetSuite Suitelets play a vital part in integrating 3rd party web applications with the NetSuite. Writing a suitelet is as easy as writing a simple javascript except that it runs on the server side. Here are a couple of examples of how to write a suitelet. The first example creates a customer of a type LEAD-Unqualified from a POSTed web submission.

function CreateCustomerRecord(request, response)   {
    if (request.getMethod() == 'POST') {
    	var customer = nlapiCreateRecord('customer', {stage: 'lead'});
    	customer.setFieldValue('isperson', 'T');
    	customer.setFieldValue('firstname', request.getParameter('firstname'));
    	customer.setFieldValue('lastname', request.getParameter('lastname'));
    	customer.setFieldValue('companyname', request.getParameter('companyname'));
    	customer.setFieldValue('phone', request.getParameter('phone'));
    	customer.setFieldValue('email', request.getParameter('email'));
    	customer.setFieldValue('entitystatus', '6');    // LEAD::unqualified.
    	var customerId = nlapiSubmitRecord(customer, true);

The second example illustrates on how to retrieve a sales order from an order number and update the record with new data. It is a bit more complex than the first example, but the basic idea is the same. The sales order number is mapped to transId of the Sales Order Record, and we'll use it to find the internal ID of the sales order. Once we have the internalID of the sales order, updating a record is as easy as assigning the values and submitting a record.

function UpdateSalesOrder(request, response)   {
	if (request.getMethod() == 'POST') {
		// We'll first find the sales order that we need to update.
		var filters = new Array();
		filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('tranId', null, 'is', request.getParameter('order_number') );
		var columns = new Array();
		columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn( 'internalId' )
		var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord( 'salesorder', null, filters, columns );
		if (searchresults != null && searchresults != '') {
			// We found an internal ID of the sales order, so this record must exist.
			var order = nlapiLoadRecord("salesorder", searchresults[0].getValue("internalId"));

			order.setFieldValue("shipdate", request.getParameter('ship_date'));
			order.setFieldValue("shipmethod", request.getParameter('ship_method'));

			nlapiSubmitRecord(order, true);
	} else {
		response.write("Error: This page cannot be accessed directly.");

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