Our convert tools will convert numbers, text and measurements into another format.
Convert color formats from a HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, and CMYK format to another.
Convert image formats from BMP, JPG, GIF, and PNG to another or PDF.
Convert lengths from metric to imperial system, and vice versa.
Convert area from metric to imperial system, and vice versa.
Convert volume from metric to imperial system, and vice versa.
Find the time zone of any city in the world. Use city or time zone to search.
Convert weights from metric to imperial system, and vice versa.
Use our online tool to convert speed from metric to imperial and vice versa.
Convert one energy unit to other 55 energy units by a simple method.
Convert a twisting torque force from one unit to another.
Convert an angular unit from most popular unit to least popular units.
Convert time amongst seconds, minutes, hours, and days and vice versa.
Convert power from one unit to another (dBm, mWatt, and Watt).
Convert charge from unit to another unit (coulomb, emu, esu, Fr, amp/s).
Convert the pressure force measured in one unit to another.
Convert a hostname (or IDN) to Punycode, or Punycode to Text.
Encode a text to morse code or decode morse code into English text.
Convert word to phone numbers based on telephone dialpad mapping.
Convert blood sugar level from mmol/L (UK) to mg/dL (US) format.
Convert Roman numerals to whole numbers, and vice versa.
Enter your birthdate and find your zodiac sign and learn horoscope.
Enter your birthdate and find your Chinese zodiac animal representing a lunar year.
Convert a case from various formats including Sentence, Lower, Upper, and Capitalized.
Convert a Date/Time format from one format to another including Unix and Gregorian.
Convert Lat/Lang from decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS).