Run your free privacy scan. Our privacy scan is provided by Dataseal, and will show you how many websites have your personal information. The scan will take less than 60 seconds, and will search over 200 of the most popular data brokers and people searches. Most people are shocked at how much of their information is appearing on public search results.
How do your personal data accumulate in the Internet?
Your personal information accumulates in the Internet in variety of ways, and there are things you can do to minimize from spreading. The best defense is to not sharing your private information on social media. Here are a several ways how your personal information is gathered online:
- Online Activities: Whenever you engage in online activities, such as creating social media accounts, using online services, or making online purchases, you often provide personal information voluntarily. This information can include your name, email address, phone number, home address, date of birth, and more.
- Social Media: Social media platforms collect and store vast amounts of personal data. When you create a profile, you may provide details such as your location, education, work history, interests, and relationships. Additionally, the content you share, including posts, photos, and comments, can contribute to your online presence and the data associated with it.
- Online Services: When using various online services, such as e-commerce platforms, banking websites, or streaming platforms, you typically provide personal information during the registration. This information may include your address, payment details, and communication preferences.
- Data Collection: Many websites and online services employ tracking technologies, such as cookies and IP address to gather data about your browsing habits, your locaation, preferences, and interactions. This data is used for various purposes, including targeted advertising, website optimization, and user analytics.
- Public Records and Directories: Some personal information may be sourced from public records and directories. These records can include publicly available data, such as property ownership, business registrations, court records, and voter registration lists. Such information can be collected and aggregated by data brokers or other entities.
- Data Sharing: When you interact with third-party services or grant permissions to applications, some personal data may be shared with those entities. For example, when you use a social media login to sign up for a service, you may authorize the sharing of certain personal information from your social media profile to third-party organizations.
- Data Breaches and Hacks: Data breaches often occur, leading to unauthorized access and potential exposure of personal data. Cyberattacks on organizations can result in the theft or leakage of user information, including email addresses, passwords, and other personal details.
How do you remove your data from the Internet?
Your personal information is gathered by data brokers, and shared with other third-party organizations. Companies collect personal data from various sources to tailor advertisements, enhance user experiences, ensure account security, and prevent fraud among other activities.
Removing your personal data from the Internet is a daunting task, and will not always yield positive outcome. You may use following steps to remove yourself from online.
- Google Search: Start by searching for your name on Google, and find who has your personal information.
- Request removal from websites: Once you've found websites hosting your personal information, contact those websites and request them to remove your data.
- Opt-out of data broker websites: Data broker websites collect and sell personal information to third-party organizations. Visit these websites and ask them to opt-out of sharing your personal data.
- Opt-out of directories: Search for online directories that list personal information and request removal from those directories.
- Use a privacy service: There are companies offering privacy services that can help you remove your personal data from the Internet.

You may also change your privacy settings on social media to limit access to private information, and avoid sharing sensitive data unnecessarily. Think twice before sharing private information on social media, and never over-share your personal life with the public.