UPS Quantum View API

UPS Quantum View is one of the most comprehensive reporting APIs available on UPS XML, and yet it's one of the least used APIs. It provides complete reporting of every shipping activity your organization is engaged in. It is a comprehensive suite of services that give you details about your UPS shipments. It can be used to update your ERP with tracking numbers, scheduled and actual delivery dates, and exceptions. The catch is that you'll have to use PackageReferenceNumbers to correlate the package with your sales order number. UPS Worldship allows you to enter up to 2 custom reference numbers while creating shipments, and this reference number must be used to track back to your sales order.

I have been tasked to integrate UPS Online Tools with NetSuite ERP using PHP programming language. The job requires retrieving Quantum View reports from UPS on a daily basis, and updating NetSuite Sales Orders with retrieved tracking information. By browsing UPS Developer Kit, I am going to be using at least Quantum View API, and Tracking API to do the trick.

NetSuite Suitelets play a vital part in integrating 3rd party web applications with the NetSuite. Writing a suitelet is as easy as writing a simple javascript except that it runs on the server side. Here are a couple of examples of how to write a suitelet. The first example creates a customer of a type LEAD-Unqualified from a POSTed web submission.

Suitelets are extensions of SuiteScript that allow developers to write custom NetSuite pages and backend logic. Suitelets are server-side scripts that operate in a request-response model. They are invoked by HTTP GET or POST requests to system-generated URLs, and by default, they are invoked by making a GET request from a browser.

Netsuite purposely disallows a user from establishing two separate sessions to the NetSuite portal. That is, you cannot have a session established on Firefox and Chrome or Internet Explorer at the same time, and this is true for any user including the one being used by the Netsuite Web Service. This causes a potential problem where your visitors may be submitting forms at the roughly same time which triggers a second web service call to be made to Netsuite while the previous one is still running. When the second web service call is made before the first one is completed, the first call terminates without completing its task potentially losing a lead or whatever the task the first one was designed to do.

In scripting programming languages such as Perl, PHP, and Python use string quotation extensively. To include a single or double quote inside the string quotation, you'll have to escape the character with a backslash. Perl string quotation operators (q, qq and qx) let you avoid putting too many backslashes into quoted strings.