Netsuite PHPToolkit Web Service

Our business requires that we retrieve Quantum View data from UPS, and create or edit ItemFulfillment records with PackageList and Packages. As described in the earlier articles, we've created a UPS developer access key and set required Quantum View subscriptions for later retrieval of Quantum View events.

I've spent a great amount of time trying to figure out how to retrieve ItemFulfillment record(s) associated with a particular Sales Order. After spending more than a day, I've found a solution after looking through the C# examples. Netsuite documentation on how to use PHPToolKit is somewhat premature, and it requires a lot of digging and trial-and-error to figure out a solution. For those who are new to NetSuite, you may want to check out NetSuite Developer Resources I have compiled for easy reference.

require_once ('PHPtoolkit.php');
require_once ('login_info.php');

class ItemFulfillment
	private $so = null;

	private $data = null;

	function __construct($soId) {
		$this->soId = $soId;
		$this->so = $this->getSalesOrder($soId);

	// Retrieve a Sales Order record from NetSuite from the
	// given Sales Order number.
	private function getSalesOrder($soId)
		global $myNSclient;

		$id = 0;
		$myNSclient->setSearchPreferences(false, 10);
		$params = new nsComplexObject('SearchStringField');

		$params->setFields(array('searchValue' => $soId, 
				'operator' => 'is'));
		$search = new nsComplexObject("TransactionSearchBasic");
		$search->setFields(array ('tranId'=> $params));
		$response = $myNSclient->search($search);

		if ($response->isSuccess) {
			// We are expecting at most 1 record from this search.
			$so = $response->recordList[0];
		} else {
			$so = null;

		return $so;

	public function getSalesOrderId()
		if ($this->so === null) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return $this->so->getField('tranId');

	private function getSalesOrderInternalId()
		if ($this->so === null) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return $this->so->getField('internalId');

	 *  Retrieve the ItemFulfillment record(s) attached to a Sales Order.
	public function getFromSalesOrder()
		global $myNSclient;

		$id = $this->getSalesOrderInternalId();

		$myNSclient->setSearchPreferences(false, 10);

		$search = new nsComplexObject("TransactionSearchBasic");
		$type = new nsComplexObject('SearchEnumMultiSelectField');
		$type->setFields(array('searchValue' => array('_itemFulfillment'), 
				'operator' => 'anyOf'));

		$so = new nsRecordRef(array('type' => 'salesOrder', 
				'internalId' => $id));
		$createdFrom = new nsComplexObject('SearchMultiSelectField');
		$createdFrom->setFields(array('searchValue' => $so, 
				'operator' => 'anyOf'));

		$search->setFields(array ('type' => $type,
				'createdFrom' => $createdFrom));
		$response = $myNSclient->search($search);

		return $response->recordList;

	 *  Retrieve a ItemFulfillment record from an Internal ID.
	 * @param String $id -- Internal ID of the ItemFulfillment record
	public function get($id) {
		global $myNSclient;

		$recordRef = new nsRecordRef(array('internalId' => $id, 
				'type' => 'itemFulfillment'));
		$response = $myNSclient->get($recordRef);

		return $response->record;

	 * Return packages.
	 * @param integer $id - ItemFulfillment Internal ID
	 * returns an array of nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillmentPackage').
	public function getPackages($id) {
		global $myNSclient;

		$itemFulfillment = $this->get($id);

		$packages = null;
		if ($itemFulfillment != null) {
			$packageList = $itemFulfillment->getField('packageList');
			if ($packageList != null) {
				$packages = $packageList->getField('package');

		return $packages;

	 *   Add an ItemFulfillment record with Package Info into NetSuite.
	public function add()
		global $myNSclient;

		$id = $this->getSalesOrderInternalId();
		echo "Internal ID: " . $id . "\n";

		// Package Info
		$packageFields = array (
				'packageWeight' => 1.0,
				'packageTrackingNumber' => '1Z00111122223333'
		$package = new nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillmentPackage');

		$packageListFields = array ('package' => $package );
		$packageList = new nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillmentPackageList');

		// ItemFulfillment Record
		$itemFulfillment = new nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillment');
		$fulfillmentFields = array (
				'createdFrom' => new nsRecordRef (
						array('internalId'=>$id, 'type' =>'salesOrder' )),
				'packageList' => $packageList


		$myNSclient->setPreferences(true, false, false, false, true, true);
		$response = $myNSclient->add($itemFulfillment);

		if ($response->isSuccess)
			return true;
			return false;

For those who may be interested in looking at C# examples, here is the code snippets offered as help.

Retrieving all ItemFulfillment records from NetSuite.

TransactionSearch transactions = new TransactionSearch();
TransactionSearchBasic transactionsBasic = new TransactionSearchBasic();
// Set transaction type
SearchEnumMultiSelectField searchItemFullfillmentField = new SearchEnumMultiSelectField();
searchItemFullfillmentField.@operator = SearchEnumMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
searchItemFullfillmentField.operatorSpecified = true;
searchItemFullfillmentField.searchValue = new String[] { "_itemFulfillment" };
transactionsBasic.type = searchItemFullfillmentField;
transactions.basic = transactionsBasic;
SearchResult searchResult =;

Searching for a particular ItemFulfillment record associated with a Sales Order.

RecordRef so = new RecordRef();
so.internalId = "Your_SO_Id";
so.type = RecordType.salesOrder;
so.typeSpecified = true;
SearchMultiSelectField createdFrom = new SearchMultiSelectField();
createdFrom.@operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
createdFrom.operatorSpecified = true;
createdFrom.searchValue = new RecordRef[] {so};
transactionsBasic.createdFrom = createdFrom;

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