Our business requires that we retrieve Quantum View data from UPS, and create or edit ItemFulfillment records with PackageList and Packages. As described in the earlier articles, we've created a UPS developer access key and set required Quantum View subscriptions for later retrieval of Quantum View events.

I've spent a great amount of time trying to figure out how to retrieve ItemFulfillment record(s) associated with a particular Sales Order. After spending more than a day, I've found a solution after looking through the C# examples. Netsuite documentation on how to use PHPToolKit is somewhat premature, and it requires a lot of digging and trial-and-error to figure out a solution. For those who are new to NetSuite, you may want to check out NetSuite Developer Resources I have compiled for easy reference.

require_once ('PHPtoolkit.php');
require_once ('login_info.php');

class ItemFulfillment
	private $so = null;

	private $data = null;

	function __construct($soId) {
		$this->soId = $soId;
		$this->so = $this->getSalesOrder($soId);

	// Retrieve a Sales Order record from NetSuite from the
	// given Sales Order number.
	private function getSalesOrder($soId)
		global $myNSclient;

		$id = 0;
		$myNSclient->setSearchPreferences(false, 10);
		$params = new nsComplexObject('SearchStringField');

		$params->setFields(array('searchValue' => $soId, 
				'operator' => 'is'));
		$search = new nsComplexObject("TransactionSearchBasic");
		$search->setFields(array ('tranId'=> $params));
		$response = $myNSclient->search($search);

		if ($response->isSuccess) {
			// We are expecting at most 1 record from this search.
			$so = $response->recordList[0];
		} else {
			$so = null;

		return $so;

	public function getSalesOrderId()
		if ($this->so === null) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return $this->so->getField('tranId');

	private function getSalesOrderInternalId()
		if ($this->so === null) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return $this->so->getField('internalId');

	 *  Retrieve the ItemFulfillment record(s) attached to a Sales Order.
	public function getFromSalesOrder()
		global $myNSclient;

		$id = $this->getSalesOrderInternalId();

		$myNSclient->setSearchPreferences(false, 10);

		$search = new nsComplexObject("TransactionSearchBasic");
		$type = new nsComplexObject('SearchEnumMultiSelectField');
		$type->setFields(array('searchValue' => array('_itemFulfillment'), 
				'operator' => 'anyOf'));

		$so = new nsRecordRef(array('type' => 'salesOrder', 
				'internalId' => $id));
		$createdFrom = new nsComplexObject('SearchMultiSelectField');
		$createdFrom->setFields(array('searchValue' => $so, 
				'operator' => 'anyOf'));

		$search->setFields(array ('type' => $type,
				'createdFrom' => $createdFrom));
		$response = $myNSclient->search($search);

		return $response->recordList;

	 *  Retrieve a ItemFulfillment record from an Internal ID.
	 * @param String $id -- Internal ID of the ItemFulfillment record
	public function get($id) {
		global $myNSclient;

		$recordRef = new nsRecordRef(array('internalId' => $id, 
				'type' => 'itemFulfillment'));
		$response = $myNSclient->get($recordRef);

		return $response->record;

	 * Return packages.
	 * @param integer $id - ItemFulfillment Internal ID
	 * returns an array of nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillmentPackage').
	public function getPackages($id) {
		global $myNSclient;

		$itemFulfillment = $this->get($id);

		$packages = null;
		if ($itemFulfillment != null) {
			$packageList = $itemFulfillment->getField('packageList');
			if ($packageList != null) {
				$packages = $packageList->getField('package');

		return $packages;

	 *   Add an ItemFulfillment record with Package Info into NetSuite.
	public function add()
		global $myNSclient;

		$id = $this->getSalesOrderInternalId();
		echo "Internal ID: " . $id . "\n";

		// Package Info
		$packageFields = array (
				'packageWeight' => 1.0,
				'packageTrackingNumber' => '1Z00111122223333'
		$package = new nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillmentPackage');

		$packageListFields = array ('package' => $package );
		$packageList = new nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillmentPackageList');

		// ItemFulfillment Record
		$itemFulfillment = new nsComplexObject('ItemFulfillment');
		$fulfillmentFields = array (
				'createdFrom' => new nsRecordRef (
						array('internalId'=>$id, 'type' =>'salesOrder' )),
				'packageList' => $packageList


		$myNSclient->setPreferences(true, false, false, false, true, true);
		$response = $myNSclient->add($itemFulfillment);

		if ($response->isSuccess)
			return true;
			return false;

For those who may be interested in looking at C# examples, here is the code snippets offered as help.

Retrieving all ItemFulfillment records from NetSuite.

TransactionSearch transactions = new TransactionSearch();
TransactionSearchBasic transactionsBasic = new TransactionSearchBasic();
// Set transaction type
SearchEnumMultiSelectField searchItemFullfillmentField = new SearchEnumMultiSelectField();
searchItemFullfillmentField.@operator = SearchEnumMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
searchItemFullfillmentField.operatorSpecified = true;
searchItemFullfillmentField.searchValue = new String[] { "_itemFulfillment" };
transactionsBasic.type = searchItemFullfillmentField;
transactions.basic = transactionsBasic;
SearchResult searchResult = _service.search(transactions);

Searching for a particular ItemFulfillment record associated with a Sales Order.

RecordRef so = new RecordRef();
so.internalId = "Your_SO_Id";
so.type = RecordType.salesOrder;
so.typeSpecified = true;
SearchMultiSelectField createdFrom = new SearchMultiSelectField();
createdFrom.@operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
createdFrom.operatorSpecified = true;
createdFrom.searchValue = new RecordRef[] {so};
transactionsBasic.createdFrom = createdFrom;

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